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Interactive Contract Tool (Shinyapp)

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

The idea of contractual value is fairly novel to the analytics community, with the concept even more novel to the wider NFL fan base. Therefore, there is not much out publicly that allows for quick analysis of the value of players - so I decided that I could build something to help.

The Shinyapp that I built using NFLverse (a R package), which contains OverTheCap (the premier cap tracking website for NFL publicly) data. The app has two parts, the first part allows for a rookie pick comparison with two current NFL players. The dashboard has two tables, the top table provides an overview on the value of the pick (reactive to the numeric input) for each position - with both a ranking and the percentage of cap hit compared to the most expensive player of that position.

The bottom table shows current NFL player contracts with ranking (both overall and positional) for each player along with when the contract was signed, Average per Year (and the percentage compared to the max of their position) as well as Cap Cost for 2023 (and the percentage compared to the max of their position).

The table allows for highlights of current NFL players to allow for full comparison where the user can select the draft position, highlight a player on the current team and, then, look at a potential Free Agent or Trade acquisition to see the true value of any of the players. You can, then, filter the table by the highlighted players to just see the players you want. There is, also, the option to adjust the current NFL contracts to keep up to date with NFL rumours about extensions.

The second tab is a Mock Draft tab so that you can compare multiple rookies at the same time. Using a `fileinput()` function to allow users to upload their own mock draft to allow for full interactivity. To allow for smoothness, I provide a template which uses GrindingTheMocks Top 50 picks as a default to allow for users to replace the picks easier and see how the template should work.

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