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Mock Draft Tracker for the NFL 2021 Draft.

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

As part of the TDN (The Draft Network) Premium Slack channel, we do a lot of mock drafts ahead of the next years draft.

To keep it all in one place, I created a spreadsheet to track every single draft we do as a community and make it easy to create the next mock draft. The spreadsheet is on google sheets which I didn’t use that much prior, but I currently have relatively good experience of using these days.

The sheet inputs data from a separate sheet where we collect people’s opinions on prospects and we input the data directly into the sheet using “=ImportRange”. This means that we can keep the sheet tidy and organised.

We, also, have a team tracker page so we can track who we drafted to which team and what position they play. This will allow us to see what our thinking about the team changes over the year.

Adding to this, we have a player tracker page which we will be able to see how our feelings of each player change over a period of time and come up with some fancy graphs from around a year worth of tracking.

We have an “IRL Picks tracker” which tracks who owns which picks. This is critical in the formula and making it easier to make changes to the playoff order and instantly change them for the next mock draft we do.

Our next tab is “Betting odds on the SuperBowl”, we wanted to formulate and bring a collective of knowledge to our draft order. This means we can input odds, power rankings and even our own thoughts.

SM1 (Slack Mock 1) was the first mock draft we did for the 2021 draft and where I tested out my BPA formula which sadly didn’t work outside QBs. But I fixed it for the 2nd mock draft we did as a community.

I’ll update this article on the spreadsheet occasionally, but if you want to keep track of the spreadsheet, the link is:

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